Psoriasis programme
Psoriasis treatment in Harkány at CENTRAL SPA or at the HOSPITAL
The medicinal water of Harkány has a content unique in Europe and emerges to the surface at an average temperature of 62oC. From the aspect of therapy, its most significant mineral is the divalent sulphur compound which is present in a gas form, dissolved in the water. The thermal water of Harkány has been used for the treatment of psoriasis for decades. The salts diluted in the water and the sulphurous gas in it evolves and then is absorbed through the skin and the epithelium of the airways, both help to reduce the pathological processes. In our spa hospital, patients with psoriasis are treated using the elements of classic dermatologic therapy and natural spa cure. The complex treatments are built around the bath tubs containing thermal water coming through a closed system from the wells, and they make use of the synergistic opportunities realized during the research.
The structure of the basic treatment is as follows:
- first medical examination, status assessment
- regular supervision by medical specialists
- 30-minute bath in fresh thermal water coming directly from the well, two times a day
- phototherapy (311 nm wavelength UVB light / PUVA treatment)
- short contact Anthralin (Dithranol) treatment
- other nonsteroidal local treatments, when needed
- final medical examination, final report. Baths happen in bath tubs in separate boxes, under discrete circumstances.
Patients get phototherapy immediately after the first bath. After the second bath a 20-minute contact time Dithranol treatment is applied. The ointment is removed from the skin at the end of the contact time by thermal water shower, with a shower gel containing thermal water. We also provide emollient for our guests.
Bathing in the medicinal water results in the enhanced absorption of locally applied drugs into the skin of the patient and during phototherapy the ultraviolet rays reach the deeper layers of the skin more easily, too. On the basis thereof, the drug concentration in the ointments can be reduced to the fourth of the average after the tub baths and we also use lower cumulative doses of ultraviolet light during treatment. The therapy is individual set for every patient. In the course of the treatment of more serious cases we use medicaments as well.
The treatment of psoriatic arthritis fits well into the profile of the spa hospital of Harkány. Our excellent rheumatologists and specialists in the rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system, physiotherapist assistants and physiotherapists can ease the pain. The treatments of the skin symptoms take 1.5 to 2 hours a day (in case of musculoskeletal complaints physiotherapy treatments require more time).
We schedule the treatment times according to the patients’ needs as much as we can, so that they can have the most of the day for relaxing and leisure-time programmes. Therapeutic cures take two to three weeks and the complaints can be fully treated at Dráva Hotel Therma Resort****.